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  Movie Story:

  Marley & Me is a 2008 American comedy-drama film directed by David Frankel. John Grogan is thrilled when fellow journalist Jenny marries him and agrees to move from the cold of Michigan to the warmth of Florida for her. But when Jenny’s maternal instincts begin to cry out, John’s convinced by his friend, Sebastian, to simply give her something else to take care of, and so John surprises his wife with a Golden Labrador puppy and surprises himself as well, when the mischievous dog ends up driving much of his work in Marley & Me.

  Cultural Exploration:

  1.American Family Structure:


  The Grogans in this movie is a typical example of traditional American nuclear family, is a term used to define a family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children. There are differences in definition among observers; some definitions allow only biological children that are full-blood siblings, while others allow for a stepparent and any mix of dependent children including stepchildren and adopted children. Nuclear family is in contrast to the larger extended family, which is created at birth and establishes ties across generations. Those generations, the extended family of aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins, can hold significant emotional and economic roles for the nuclear family.

  Over time, the traditional structure has had to adapt to very influential changes, including porce and the introduction of single-parent families, teenage pregnancy and unwed mothers, homosexuality and same-sex marriage, and increased interest in adoption. Social movements such as the feminist movement and stay-at-home dad have contributed to the creation of alternative family forms, generating new controversy and concern for the American family.

  2.Dogs as pets:

  Dogs are considered man’s best friend for a reason. Research has shown that dog owners have more active lifestyles, lower blood pressure, and are less likely to get sick than their dogless counterparts. One study has even shown that people who engaged in petting sessions received a boost in mood-enhancing hormones such as serotonin and oxytocin. Although these benefits come with the cost of food and veterinary (兽医的) bills, many are more than happy to oblige.

  Movie Review:

  At its simplest, Marley & Me is a story of growth and development of a family: husband, wife, kids, and dog. While there’s a tendency to turn “dog movies” into cuddly family affairs as Marley & Me is as much about making a marriage work, struggling through the difficulties of having multiple careers and multiple children, and fighting a mid-life crisis. The movies’ themes are universal and its anecdotes feel more real than scripted. The humor in it, most of which is low key, comes out of everyday situations, much like the comedy we all find in our daily life. It’s an enjoyable and unpretentious perspective of life that reminds us how important and rewarding the little things can be.

  Vocabulary Learning:

  1. freak adj. 奇特的,反常

  n. 畸形的人,怪物,嗜好者,异想天开

  例句: A freak wave washed the two children away.


  freak out (俚语)大发脾气

  例句:He's gonna freak. 他快要发脾气了。

  2. blizzard n.暴风雪


  The blizzard struck while we were still on the mountain.


  3. metropolitan adj:宗主国,首都的

  n. 大都市,大都会


  Metropolitan buildings become taller than ever.


  4. estimable adj:值得尊敬的


  He was an estimable, good natured man and a competent



  5. comedian n.喜剧演员

  例句:The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.


  6. transmit vt.传送传播

  例句:Insects can transmit diseases.


  7. Incorrigible adj. 无药可救的;积习难改的

  例句:Gamblers are incorrigible optimists.


  8. dissipate vt. 使……消散;浪费

  例句:The tension in the room had dissipated.


  9. swell up 膨胀

  例句:Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.


  10. glow n. 激情,热烈

  例句:He felt a glow of pride in what she had accomplished.


  Memorable lines:

  You know, there's nothing like the experience of raising your first dog. Simple joy of walking side by side with your buddy out in the fresh air...throwing a stick. Spending some quiet time-just you and your very best friend.


  I don’t know if I’m better. I … what I do know is that I have a tendency to surprise myself. Ten years ago I was doing bong hits and playing Donkey Kong. I never dreamed I’d get into college, but I did and I graduated with honors. And I never thought I’d get a job at a real newspaper, but I did. And I certainly never thought I‘d thought I’d get a girl like Jenny Havens to marry me, but I did.


  Well, here’s the thing. I’m actually married to someone, and I care about what she wants.


  I just got overwhelmed. No one tells you how hard this is all gonna be. Marriage, being a parent. It’s the hardest job in the world and nobody prepares you for that. Nobody tells you how much you have to give up.



  A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes.
A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give'em your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel...extraordinary?



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