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  英语单词的组成模式千变万化,有迹可循的两种分别为同义词或近义词组成的短语,表示强调,如complicated and complex难上加难,和由反义词组成的短语,如advantages and disadvantages优劣。本文将CET-4中常考并且日常生活中高频出现的由反义词组成的英语短语总结如下:


  1.      in and out

  In and out是一对非常常见的英语反义词短语,本意为“进进出出”,如例句:The sunlight is stitching in and out of clouds.太阳在云中穿梭。在《新视野大学英语第二版第一册》第二单元中,就有in and out短语的三个拓展,分别是burst in(to) and out (of),bolt in(to) and out (of)和be in / out of tune,可见其应用之广泛。

  2.      day and night

  Day and night形容夜以继日的工作或学习,不曾间断,不曾休息,如例句:Working all day and night means you are nothing but your job.昼夜不分的工作使得你的生活中除了工作,一无所有。Day and night的生活模式不是我们所提倡的,我们所提倡的应该是work and rest (劳逸结合)。

  3.      early or late

  Early or late迟早,如例句:Those findings indicate that the transformation is going to happen early or late.研究成果表明,变革即将到来。既然变革迟早都会到来,那我们都应该争做时代的弄潮儿early bird,因为early bird gets the worm(早期的鸟儿有虫吃)。


  4.      here and there

  Here and there用于形容到处都是,如例句:Many people underestimate the risks of their own cigarette consumption, thinking that a few cigarettes here and there, a few cigarettes every day, are harmless.句中生动描述了一种常见的不良生活习惯——吸烟。期中here and there更是画龙点睛的指出有一类人,走到哪里都吸烟,不分时间和场合。

  5.      young and old

  Young and old老老幼幼,指像愚公移山似的“全家/民总动员”。如例句:The aim was to get people, young and old, across the country to act locally in solving environmental problems in their areas.该句号召全体群众身体力行的保护环境,为突出保护环境人人有责,特用了young and old这个短语。

  6.      now and then

  Now and then意为“时不时地”,表示某件事发生在一定时间内发生的频率。如例句:This section of the road is so narrow that there are bound to be traffic jam now and then.因为道路狭窄,此路段经常交通堵塞。本句中的be bound to也是个四级高频词组,意思为“注定…”,大家应留心积累。

  7.      back and forth

  Back and forth是形容来来回回地踱步,反反复复地确认等。如例句:The road moves back and forth and around the corner as it snakes off into distance.这句有很强的画面感,在读者面前似展开了一幅画卷,其中的道路迂回曲折,蜿蜒至远方。除了back and forth之外,snake off into distance的描述也尤为生动。


  8.      come and go / comings and goings

  Come and go / comings and goings,我们在一开始接触英语的时候就知道“来是come去是go”,由此拓展出来的短语comings and goings特指“来来往往”,多用以形容熙熙攘攘的人群或者人世无常。在这个例句里面,用的意思为前者:I'd like to show you how if you stand in the square at lunch time, just stand still and watch, the comings and goings of the people are like rain, each of them a tiny drop.广场上的人又多又匆忙,如雨滴般密集又难寻踪迹。

  9.      up and down / ups and downs

  Up and down本用以形容电梯般上上下下的感受,后拓展至ups and downs用以形容人生当中的“起起伏伏”。如例句:Like many, my daughter has experienced her own ups and downs as she moved into her adult years.虽历经成年时的百般不适应,但幸而有父母的陪伴。该短语多用于强调人与人温暖的陪伴。

  10.   thick and thin

  Thick and thin,厚与薄。帮助记忆,大家可以假想有雾的清晨,随着太阳的升起,雾气由浓转淡。在雾气中唯一不变的就是太阳的存在,所以thick and thin用来形容“有福同享有难同当”的患难与共。如例句:Marriage means that you reveal your true self to your partner and support your partner through thick and thin.


外语系 刘思齐

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