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  Western expressions

  ·Good morning/afternoon/ evening.

  ·How are you?

  ·How are things going?

  ·How are you getting on?

  ·How are things (with you)?

  ·How’s everything?

  ·How’s life?


  ·Hey. /Hi.

  Chinese expressions

  ·Where are you going?你上哪去?

  ·Where have you been?你去哪里啦?

  ·Have you had your meal?吃过了吗?


  Case 1

  Li has returned to China after a year in the States. He marries his childhood sweetheart, who has never traveled and speaks very little English. Li's best friend in the States, Bob, comes to visit China for the first time and is introduced to Wang Lan, the new wife of his best friend.“It's great to meet you", says Bob, "Li talked about you all the time back in Houston!", and kisses Wang Lan heartily on both cheeks. Wang Lan is shocked.

  Case 2

  Linda was working as a teacher at a college in Zhengzhou. She enjoyed teaching very much and she knew that her Chinese colleagues were friendly, but there is something she got puzzled about and felt uneasy. It is the way people greeting her. When she got home the other day with some vegetables in the basket on the bike, her neighbor would cast her a smile with a question: “Have you been to the market?” “Isn’t it a silly question?” thought Linda.

  The last straw hit her yesterday when she entered the office, she was greeted by one of her Chinese colleagues with a question: “Did you have a good nap during the lunch break?”

  Why Linda got so annoyed at the greeting? Could you try to help her see the point?


外语系 王蕾

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